Monday, April 12, 2010


Today is not my day

Because I am not happy today

Because I didn't study today

Because I broke my mechanical pencil today

IT suite got a lot of people today
A lot of distraction today

sigh sigh sigh

and I ter-eat beef today T.T
I feel super guilty
I feel very sorry
na mo oh li toh fatt

the pencil, with my name on it
I super like it
Since Form2 I bought it
until now, almost 8 years already

Since the day I bought it
I couldn't find back the same one any more
the model they produced later not as nice as the one I bought

I never own a mechanical pencil for more than two years before
every time was either stole by other people or I lost them somewhere in the corner
but I own this for 8 years!!!!


I really very sam tong...
is it because I ate the sausage???



  1. sighh...ya, im going to get back the same one...hopefully i can find it...
