Thursday, July 29, 2010


wanted to update my blog long time ago
wanted to share my feeling here long time ago
wanted to say something long time ago
wanted to do something long time ago

suddenly feels like crying
too much things to do
too much things to think
too much things to decide
I hope there is someone to do all these for me

I wanted to travel
I wanted to rest
I wanted to sleep for the whole lazy day

I wanted to say
I wanted to show
I wanted to behave
but I need a bit more guts

I doesn't want to be bullied
I doesn't want to be scold
I doesn't want to be say
and I doesn't want to cry

I am stressing
I am worrying
I am panic-ing
even though I have my Facebook on whole day

I have no clue
I have no idea
I have no knowledge
in changing everything right

mummy, I wanted to cry... ='(

sigh...all these were too sudden and random...

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